Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Comment from JosephW on Yahoo re: the Barack-Hitler tea party poster article


>More porous border for millions of more illegals
>Global economic meltdown
>Global loss of respect for America - lost moral high ground
>USA Becomes a TORTURE STATE leading to global hatred of America
>Health Care: skyrocketing insurance premiums, increasing family bankruptcies, dropped coverages
>Katrina deaths and abandonment of the city and the people New Orleans
>Deaths of 4300 courageous US military personal and 200,000 innocent Iraqis in an unnecessary war - Skimped on body armor for soldiers
>Walter Reid decline & disgrace
>Near poverty military pay
>Sub-standard support of military families and returning soldiers and wounded
>Over a $ trillion already spent on an unnecessary war and likely $2 trillion more for future follow-up - blow-back, and V.A. costs for lifetime of all current and future Iraq related veterans
>Shameful treatment of local civilian populations
>Degenerate torture prisons
>Let Osama Bin Ladin go at Tora Bora
>Bin Ladin family flight out of U.S. on 9/12
>Al Qaida & Taliban not finished off in Afghanistan
>No-bid outsourcing of military and war to friends
>Corporate welfare for outsourcing jobs overseas
>Non enforcement of already weakened regulations
>Illegal Immigration Crisis
>Social Security Crisis
>Medicare Crisis
>Bernie Madoff, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Enron, WorldCom, Fannie May, Freddie Mac
>Unemployment Crisis
>Welfare Crisis
>Gulf oil spill destruction due to deregulation - Gulf coast communities destroyed, fisheries, property value, tourism due to toxic destruction
>Toxic food outbreaks
>Average Household Wealth Sunk 25 %
>Gas up to $4.40 per gallon

In short, the destruction of our great nation.

Moving is crappy

Sorry that I've been away for a while but I was moving. Moving is crappy. Nice to be in a new home but all the stuff you have to deal with prior, during and after takes up loads of time and eats up a lot of patience. Anyway, I'm still a little busy, so I'll re-post some things from some smart people for those of you who haven't read them. Good Stuff.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More corruption

The Young Turks continues its exposure of how corrupt the government has gotten. See it for yourself in the clip below.


Cenk is right. This isn't capitalism! This is just corruption - plain and simple. And in some cases, it's even murder. That fat, rich pig doesn't deserve to wear our flag on his bacon. If you aren't fed up yet - you're either complicit or simple.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sadly, to my point...

Want to see 3rd world corruption in the United States? See this clip from The Young Turks show on YouTube. I may not agree with everything Cenk espouses, but, more often than not, when discussing politics, he hits the nail on the head - and this is one of those times.



Thursday, April 8, 2010

We won't bring a gun to a knife fight

America will now only consider a nuclear response to an attack on the US if the attackers have nuclear capability. If an non-nuclear attack comes from a country that is non-nuclear per international guidelines (even if the attack is massive in scale, e.g. from biological weapons,) America will respond in a non-nuclear manner. As the NY Times says, America's new nuclear stance "eliminates much of the ambiguity that has deliberately existed in American nuclear policy since the opening days of the cold war." Many are saying that this weakens the USA. Bullshit. You know what makes us weak? Empty threats make us weak.

For years, America has developed nuclear missiles with the obvious threat of using them against anyone who dares attack us. When someone finally did and 9-11 happened did we destroy those responsible? No. And why not? The guys who did it identified themselves as Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. So why didn't we get the guys since we knew who they were? You see, the dick who did the bitch move of attacking innocent Americans ran and hid. So, instead of running after him, we did the same dick move and attacked Iraq. That's right folks, instead of getting the ones responsible, we decided to bully the small nation next to them since it was too hard to find them inside the caves they were hiding in. I mean it's not like we didn't have nukes to blow the shit out of the cav... oh, wait a minute... we did! What the fuck?!? The whole world was shocked to see the great nation of the United States of America take one to the groin. They expected a swift, decisive ass-whooping of epic proportions. They, literally, expected us to go nuclear! What happened when we didn't? It showed everyone that, although we had the biggest guns, we weren't going to use them. It's like America was Ahnuld Schwarzenegger riding his Harley Davidson slowly up a street wearing his black leathers, sunglasses and holding his shotgun, promising "Ahsta Lahvista Baby" to anyone who messes with him. Suddenly, Osama came running up, kicked in his motorcycle's headlight, smiled and ran back into the crowd. I don't know about you, but I expect The Terminator to open fire. Fuck the crowd, fuck the cars, fuck the buildings. Don't mess with the guy with the shotgun. When he doesn't fire, he just becomes a bufoon in a stupid get-up riding down the street for attention. He's a clown. He's a joke. Am I saying America is a joke because we didn't nuke the shit out of Middle East after 9-11? No. Did the world hold it's breath after it happened because they expected us to do it? Yes. Can you fault the world for thinking it? No. That's what we promised with our past actions. We atomized Japan (at least part of it) and we developed an even deadlier bomb for any future trouble-makers. That's what nuclear missiles were for - to ensure no one steps out of line. Well, someone stepped out of line, and guess what, when push came to shove, we flinched.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong and it was never a consideration to use nukes to strike back against such an attack as 9-11. Well, then, wouldn't it be better if everyone around the world knew what our boundaries were regarding nuclear retaliation so that no one could speculate on whether or not we were all bluster? The benefit of nullifying other nation's claims to have the right to develop nuclear weapons because America has them is a great win. Now they have no reason to develop nuclear weapons since they have no fear of nuclear attack from us if they don't have them. All were saying is we won't bring a gun to a knife fight. We are saying that the USA will not start a nuclear war. We've drawn a line in the sand. From this day on the whole world knows where we stand. That's a good thing. Everyone will know Americans aren't afraid of a fair fight. They pull out a Jambiya and we'll pull out our Bowie. Now, if someone decides to escalate, they better remember, we have more guns.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


"ASSASSINATION! America, we survived the Assassinations of Lincoln & Kennedy. We'll surely get over a bullet 2 Barrack Obama's head,"

"The next American with a Clear Shot should drop Obama like a bad habit. 4get Blacks or his claims 2 b Black. Turn on Barack Obama."

Recent tweets by a conservative blogger named Solomon "Solly" Forell. It was only a matter of time before the right wing conservative nut jobs of this country just said it. They've been alluding to it since their god, W, was deposed in favor of the first African American President. Racist much? (By the way, "Solly" says he's "an 'authentic' African-American" - yeah right, I'll believe it when he shows his face to all America.) They keep saying the left are crybabies. What?!? These guys are the crybabies! They're sore LOSERS! They're thugs that quickly and comfortably resort to embarrassing acts of thuggery whenever the whim suits them. They don't even have the intelligence to curb their ignorant natures. Just this week, a video was up on YouTube (TYT video linked) of conservatives belittling a person with Parkinson's disease during a health care demonstration (Parkinson's is what Michael J. Fox has.) These folks knew they were on film, yet they couldn't see how uncaring it looked to say to an ailing person, "I'll pay for this guy," and, then, throw dollar bills at his face. Fucking stupid assholes. That's what Solly Forrell is - a fucking asshole.

We didn't call for violence when George W's dumb, embarrassing antics were alienating us all around the world. We didn't call for George W's death when he sent thousands of American soldiers to die in Iraq because of a LIE! When Obama passes a watered-down, corporate-blessed health care bill, the dumb right wing nuts can't even keep it in their pants. You know why? It's because that - is - what - they - wanted - all - along. They want violence. Look at what Glenn Beck is spewing over and over again on FOX. Except, of course, instead of picking up a rifle himself, this Solly Forell is such a bitch and a half he "tweets" it out. What kind of a man tweets out his vendetta? Writing things like "2", "b", and, "4get," he calls for someone else to do the deed as he's too much of a fucking coward to risk his own neck. Dude, when posting consequential shit, learn to fucking write a word out like an adult! This is what happens when weasels want to fight. They yell and scream from behind someone else then they turn run as soon as it gets hairy. That's what Solly did. He later posted some weak-ass, lame-ass shit about how he didn't really mean it. What a little shit. Fuck Solomon "Solly" Forell!

He's the kind of American who is shitting on this country. I'm not a violent nutter like he is so I say "assassinate" his blogging career and everyone boycott this guy's shit (I hear he's writing a dumb ass golf book - what a fop.) You'll be happy to know that the Secret Service is looking into this and I believe he will reap what he has sown. And if, for some twist of fate, a crazy patriot (whether in jail or out of it) feels that "Solly" should pay for threatening the President's life, well, I'm sure we'll all get over a bullet to Solomon "Solly" Forell's head.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

America becoming 3rd world?

How is America becoming a 3rd world country? Some of you are thinking that the title of "3rd world" or "developing world" is like a stage in life that is passed. Like turning 18 and, legally, no longer being a "child." Or turning 40, and no longer being "young." O-ok, ok (winces at the cries of protest being leveled at computer screens everywhere,) maybe "young" is a state of mind. The point is, some may think that America can never be 3rd world again - it has been and still is the greatest nation on Earth. Having lived in a 3rd world country for over 15 years, the poverty and corruption I saw made me appreciate the good ol' U.S. of A. There was no middle class - you were either rich or poor. The rich, simultaneously, ignored the poor and used them as cheap labor. This "arrangement" was serialized in television and films as acceptable. The poor lived in outlying villages at least a days travel by bus from the city or, if they lived in the city, they resided in shanty houses by train tracks, or worse, like trolls, lived underneath bridges. The provincial poor were farmers or fishermen. The urban poor were servants, beggars, or grifters. The poor preyed on each other and crime was rampant. The police were no help as they were underpaid and corrupt - playing gang leader to local thugs and taking bribes as a regular means of subsidizing their incomes. Unlike the U.S. judicial system, there were no juries - judges made the final decision in cases. Thus, bribing the judge was regularly recognized as the way one won in court. The only people unhappy with the system were the poor, as they could not afford to pay for proper "justice." Unfortunately, since the rich politicians were also corrupt, there was little in the way of changing that system. How could the citizens allow this to continue? Once, in a conversation with a frustrated cab driver wherein he was pointing out a dirty policeman to me, I asked, "If you know that the system is rotten and know the identities of those that contribute to its crookedness, why don't you guys do something about it?" He answered, "I'm just a lowly cab driver. If this is what God has allotted to me in life, who am I to question it?" While I haven't specifically seen a corrupt cop or judge, in recent years, I've seen the same characteristics popping up in this great country of ours. As an American I did not want to believe that such rot could tarnish our shining star-spangled facade, but, in truth, it's all around us now.

Some of the characteristics that help define a 3rd world country that can be seen in 21st century U.S.A are:

1) The growing divide between rich and poor - a.k.a. the disintegration of the middle class
Do you think you are in the middle class bracket? Have you ever driven through the richest neighborhood in your area? How rich are the rich now? I'm sure you know that the executives of the companies that we bailed out (meaning that they sucked at their jobs) made hundreds of thousands of dollars in bonuses? How big was your bonus last year? Rich people are Billionaires. Multi-billionaires. Did you know that a billion is a thousand million? How much has your life improved over that of your parents? How much has the rich tycoon's son's life improved if his father was a millionaire and he is now a billionaire? Still think you're middle class? If his life has improved so much, how come yours didn't?

2) The corruption of those in power
Do you think that the politicians in office really represent you? Have any of the enacted policies in the last few years benefited you directly? Please refer to the questions above.

3) The control of moneyed interest / special interest
Who do you think controls the politicians? Is there any doubt in your mind that if you follow the money you'll find out?

4) The apathy or hopelessness of the people towards obvious corruption and blatant injustice and the culpability of the media
We've all heard of the many, many demonstrations in the 60's and 70's against the Vietnam War. Some of those reading this may have even lived it. Did you see much of a fuss over the Iraq war? How about now when we're on the verge of economic collapse? Oh yeah, I think some Berkeley students gathered to complain about the increase of the cost of their textbooks or something... Hrrmm

5) The use of religion to control the population
Let's meditate on this point... oh, wait, dont! If you meditate and not pray, someone at FoxNews will call you a socialist, maoist, nazi somethingorother... Those that aren't nodding their heads after reading that are currently cursing me for blasphemy. Point for me either way.

6) The reduction of political parties from each one representing ideals to the party in power and the party that opposes the party in power
All right, that's confusing...

7) Poor economy
Nuff said

So, still think America is not 3rd world? OK with me if you don't. I think we're, at least, headed in that direction if we're not there now. Who should we blame for this? Let's talk about that anon.