Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More corruption

The Young Turks continues its exposure of how corrupt the government has gotten. See it for yourself in the clip below.


Cenk is right. This isn't capitalism! This is just corruption - plain and simple. And in some cases, it's even murder. That fat, rich pig doesn't deserve to wear our flag on his bacon. If you aren't fed up yet - you're either complicit or simple.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sadly, to my point...

Want to see 3rd world corruption in the United States? See this clip from The Young Turks show on YouTube. I may not agree with everything Cenk espouses, but, more often than not, when discussing politics, he hits the nail on the head - and this is one of those times.



Thursday, April 8, 2010

We won't bring a gun to a knife fight

America will now only consider a nuclear response to an attack on the US if the attackers have nuclear capability. If an non-nuclear attack comes from a country that is non-nuclear per international guidelines (even if the attack is massive in scale, e.g. from biological weapons,) America will respond in a non-nuclear manner. As the NY Times says, America's new nuclear stance "eliminates much of the ambiguity that has deliberately existed in American nuclear policy since the opening days of the cold war." Many are saying that this weakens the USA. Bullshit. You know what makes us weak? Empty threats make us weak.

For years, America has developed nuclear missiles with the obvious threat of using them against anyone who dares attack us. When someone finally did and 9-11 happened did we destroy those responsible? No. And why not? The guys who did it identified themselves as Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. So why didn't we get the guys since we knew who they were? You see, the dick who did the bitch move of attacking innocent Americans ran and hid. So, instead of running after him, we did the same dick move and attacked Iraq. That's right folks, instead of getting the ones responsible, we decided to bully the small nation next to them since it was too hard to find them inside the caves they were hiding in. I mean it's not like we didn't have nukes to blow the shit out of the cav... oh, wait a minute... we did! What the fuck?!? The whole world was shocked to see the great nation of the United States of America take one to the groin. They expected a swift, decisive ass-whooping of epic proportions. They, literally, expected us to go nuclear! What happened when we didn't? It showed everyone that, although we had the biggest guns, we weren't going to use them. It's like America was Ahnuld Schwarzenegger riding his Harley Davidson slowly up a street wearing his black leathers, sunglasses and holding his shotgun, promising "Ahsta Lahvista Baby" to anyone who messes with him. Suddenly, Osama came running up, kicked in his motorcycle's headlight, smiled and ran back into the crowd. I don't know about you, but I expect The Terminator to open fire. Fuck the crowd, fuck the cars, fuck the buildings. Don't mess with the guy with the shotgun. When he doesn't fire, he just becomes a bufoon in a stupid get-up riding down the street for attention. He's a clown. He's a joke. Am I saying America is a joke because we didn't nuke the shit out of Middle East after 9-11? No. Did the world hold it's breath after it happened because they expected us to do it? Yes. Can you fault the world for thinking it? No. That's what we promised with our past actions. We atomized Japan (at least part of it) and we developed an even deadlier bomb for any future trouble-makers. That's what nuclear missiles were for - to ensure no one steps out of line. Well, someone stepped out of line, and guess what, when push came to shove, we flinched.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong and it was never a consideration to use nukes to strike back against such an attack as 9-11. Well, then, wouldn't it be better if everyone around the world knew what our boundaries were regarding nuclear retaliation so that no one could speculate on whether or not we were all bluster? The benefit of nullifying other nation's claims to have the right to develop nuclear weapons because America has them is a great win. Now they have no reason to develop nuclear weapons since they have no fear of nuclear attack from us if they don't have them. All were saying is we won't bring a gun to a knife fight. We are saying that the USA will not start a nuclear war. We've drawn a line in the sand. From this day on the whole world knows where we stand. That's a good thing. Everyone will know Americans aren't afraid of a fair fight. They pull out a Jambiya and we'll pull out our Bowie. Now, if someone decides to escalate, they better remember, we have more guns.